Twenty Something

Regarding the title of this post: “Twenty,” because that’s the number trending on signs around town. “Something,” because the message of each of these signs means something. I just don’t know what. Take this sign (please, please take it away):

I like a discount as much as the next person, but I’m a little hesitant to buy a “damaged boxes item.” And no, there was nothing under or near the sign to give me context. No damaged boxes, no item.

Here I know what they’re selling, sort of, but there’s still a problem:

Actually, several problems. Once you say “Coca-Cola,” doesn’t that narrow things down, making “beverage” redundant? Are there Coca-Cola sandwiches? Cookies? (Forget I asked. I don’t want to know.) My real issue is with “200Z,” which looks like a serial number. Given the nearby illustration of more sugary beverage than anyone should ever drink, I’m assuming that “200Z” needs a space, as in “20 OZ,” the abbreviated form of “20 ounces.”  I’m not sure whether the pizza crust and sauce under the pair of cheese slices are included in the $5.95 price, but at least the store inserted the hyphen correctly.

I saved the best (actually the worst) for last:

If you hope to meet a regular customer, your odds are 4 out of 5, I guess, because  “today” has “20% new clients.” Actually, new “client’s.” I was tempted to erase the hyphen with my sleeve, but I can’t spend all day deleting apostrophes from NYC signs. I have better things to do, like figure out what the shop offers. The part I glimpsed through the window left me clueless. Besides, the sign may be referring to something belonging to the 20%, in which case the possessive is appropriate.  The only problem, aside from the fact that there’s no indication of what’s possessed, is that the apostrophe should appear after the letter S (the plural form), because “20%” implies more than one person. They can’t chop up one person!  I think at least twenty-something percent of us can agree on that point.


4 thoughts on “Twenty Something

  1. Don

    I hope the clients are newer than the frame on that slate, but I do admire the attempt at mixing fonts – very upbeat & festive!! (Are you sure you didn’t brush the hyphen with your sleeve in your haste to get away?)

    100% yours,

  2. Ellie Presner

    Ha, hilarious take on stupidity, as usual!

    !. My guess is that “boxes” was meant to be “boxed”… although how can one commit a typo offence when writing by hand?! The other possibility is that the “s” that should have been tacked onto “item” somehow migrated over to boxed and knocked out the “d.”
    2. I saw 200Z as the next big zombie flick. Brad Pitt is out of favour these days, so the lead is up for grabs. Maybe, I dunno, how about Emily Blunt?
    3. Snort. I definitely *would* have erased that offending apostrophe! Okay, it was a bit low to bend down, but…

    1. Geraldine Post author

      Love your comments, Ellie! Especially the zombie flick. I’m thinking of stars for the role — maybe Errol Flynn? Shouldn’t be a stretch for Hollywood’s special effects people to animate a dead guy and have him play an animated dead guy.


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