Heatwave Relief

The air resembles tan soup this morning, as the heatwave in New York City staggers off. I’d be staggering, too, without the comic relief provided by friends who sent me these signs. The first is from Joselia:

I hope the cops are looking to arrest whoever “we” is before the chainsaw comes out.

The next two are from Ellie, who lives in a cooler spot (Canada). Please send a cold front with the next set of photos, Ellie. Here’s the first:

Call me lazy, but the thought of trekking to China from Canada just to save walking up or down some stairs is not appealing. And how is that a convenience for wheelchair users?

Another Ellie-gem:

The original caption for this photo questioned whether there was any way to make sense of the display. The syntax suggests that “whole” is a noun. I’m just hoping it’s not a misspelling of “hole,” in which case the first person to walk on that carpet is going to take a plunge. Another theory: The empty window on the right is a fill-in-the-blank. If that’s correct, I’d be happy to spend $99 to carpet my street and a few adjacent avenues. Much more elegant, and quieter, too.

Ellie shared a photo taken by her friend John, but my computer stubbornly refused to save it. The image showed an empty carton labeled “invisible tape.” Maybe the invisible part explains my computer problem: The photo is there, but no one can see it.

The last is from me, snapped during a recent visit to England:

I’m not sure about the “get sun” part, but otherwise, it’s spot on.

4 thoughts on “Heatwave Relief

  1. Ellie Presner

    Hey Gerri! Thanks for featuring the items I sent you! Sorry about the invisible tape thing, as you imply, it chose to remain invisible! Re sending you cooler weather – it may have to wait. We’re just coming down a bit from temps over 90 degrees and awful humidity too. Have been inside for 3 days straight, except for teensy forays out in the evening… but it was still hot! Thank goodness for a breeze, though… and for our A/C inside! Thanks to my late mom who bought me the honkin’ big machine (10,000 BTU) as a housewarming gift when I first moved into this apt. 15 years ago. John & I supplement it with a couple of fans, and we’re fine. Hope you’re fine in *your* sweatbox, er, NYC apt.!

    For more gems, if you wish to go ‘mining’ yourself, you should visit/join The English Language Police Facebook group! Lots there!

    1. Geraldine Post author

      Keeping cool, in front of the air conditioner, but pining for a break in the heat so I can go outside for a walk. I’m glad you’re coping and hope you’ve got cooler weather (that you can send me at your earliest convenience).

  2. Junior Santos

    I understand the need to narrow down the number of homeless people, but cut them in half?!
    So creepy and unthinkable, isn’t it?
    Hoping, too, the cops are working intensively to arrest all the “we” in time.



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